Alongside our accreditation from the Property Dampcourse Association, being Property Care Association qualified is our most valued and important achievement.
The PCA is a ‘trade organisation’ originally formed by members of the industry very many years ago. It was called the BWPDA because it roots were in the damp proofing and timber treatment industry. Nowadays specialists like us are often multiskilled and do many things. In addition to damp proofing and dry rot treatment. The BWPDA adapted to this and is now known as the PCA. This reflects the incredibly wide skill set of some of the members. The members number over 400 organisations, companies and individuals, which include highly skilled independent surveyors as well as contractors like us. Together the PCA membership represent well over £100M of work in the property care sector. Members employ thousands of staff and contribute substantially to commerce in every city in the UK.
So it’s a trade ‘club’ then? No – Gaining membership is not about paying a fee and filling in a form. The PCA has a proud heritage going back over 80 years. That reputation is built on deep technical expertise, sound ethical business practice and support for best practice in the industry. In order to gain membership contractors need to meet the PCA’s stringent entry requirements. These are not about restricting membership for commercial reasons. In fact the PCA is always seeking new members. The PCA are all about improving standards for consumers and for the general sustainability of the wider industry.

Becoming a Property Care Association member.
Entry is by application, which always includes a detailed on-site inspection. References are followed up, checks on financial probity and of course, technical qualifications must be great. There is absolutely no point in any specialist contractor attempting to join PCA, if they are not happy to invest in training for their surveyors and operatives.
Once applicants have demonstrated they are up to the required standard, they can join and display the PCA logo.
Always look for the PCA logo!
The PCA logo stands for expertise, ethical contracting and promotion of best practice. As a property care association member we are amongst the cream of the preservation industry and this is why many banks, local authorities, architects, surveyors and facilities managers look for it, when choosing a specialist damp proofing or timber treatment contractor.
All PCA members must reach and maintain the required standard. This is why we benchmark ourselves against the best PCA members in the UK. The PCA awards are part of that benchmarking program:
So – if you are looking for PCA Accredited Injection DPC Specialists, why not contact us today: